Network Marketing
Ways to Choose a Great Network Marketing Opportunity

Ways to Choose a Great Network Marketing Opportunity

While some network marketing opportunities are scams out to swindle your money, the good news is there are far more opportunities that may be well-intentioned yet have a poor track record for any number of reasons. So how do you discern a good opportunity in such a vast market?

Here are some questions to ask about the company you may potentially be working for that will help you choose wisely. I have given the example for the Company that I think is the best as a comparison

Has the Company Been Around for at Least Five Years?

If you want the efforts you put in today to pay off far into the future, choose a company that has proven it intends to be around for the long term. Approximately 90 per cent of all network marketing companies fail within their first two years. You don’t want to invest your precious time and resources, not to mention your future in something that may not be in business next month. Forever Living has been around for 43 years and is established in over 160 countries worldwide.

Is the Company Well-Capitalized?

If the company is solvent, meaning it has the capital required to grow, maintain a solid infrastructure, attract talented management, keep pace with technology, and pay your commissions, then you may proceed. Publicly traded companies are required to disclose their financial condition in great detail every 90 days to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other governmental agencies. Unfortunately, private company financials are not available to the public, so you may have to take a risk in working for one. Forever living has no debt and has enjoyed year on year growth with gross revenue of over 2.3 billion USD last year

Does the Company Offer Products or Services That Are Unique?

Ensure that the products or services are not readily available elsewhere—especially at a discount—and they’re not just another “me too” product or service that has tons of competition. Forever Living sells products that are related to Mostly Aloe Vera the drinking gels are having the purest and most concentrated amount of Aloe and the process is patented.

Is There a Genuine Need for the Product or Service?

You’ve probably heard horror stories about people ending up with a garage full of expensive water filters or other items. This happens because only other distributors will purchase the product at that price. Your product or service must fill a real need at a fair price, and there should be a large untapped market for it. In other words, it must provide tremendous value so that the customer is the biggest winner.

Also, if you’re being pressured to buy more products with the lure of being placed into an “elite” category of seller, that’s a red flag. Turn away from the opportunity immediately. Forever living products are consumable and have health benefits that are from a natural source.

Is the Product or Service Trendy or a Fad?

You can’t build long-term residual income if the product or service only has short-term appeal. Always think long term. The product or service must appeal to your customers beyond today. The health and wellness category, for example, tends to perform well. Healthy supplements, weight management and skin care will not go out of fashion.

Can You Generate Immediate Income?

You need to be able to finance your marketing and expansion efforts from cash flow. Having to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars upfront only to see a return on investment months down the line is not a good strategy. When starting a Forever Living business your investment is only £200 sterling or the equivalent amount in other countries. You make between 30 and 48% commission on your own sales dependant upon which level you are at in the marketing plan. A forever business owner makes additional income from the sales of your team which would increase as the team grows. You can earn residual income from managers in your team that can be passed on as a willable income.

Does the Marketing System Take Full Advantage of Technology?

Not everyone can be a salesperson, but anybody can plug into a system and tools that do the selling and sorting for you. This can be as simple as scripts or email campaigns or as full-blown as an entire marketing funnel. The important thing is that you’re given a marketing system that is already proven to work and not required to trial-and-error on your own. Once you join Forever Living as a Forever business owner, you will have access to your own web link that allows people to come to your online store and purchase products from you. You can also get your own web site and your customers can set up auto ordering so you never have to chase them to renew their orders.

Is the Person Who Is Introducing You to the Opportunity Committed to Your Success?

If they are, the company is strong, and the product or service is a winner, then you will succeed. You will have to put the effort in to learn the systems and processes that make it work, but there’s a big difference between a sponsor and a recruiter. A sponsor coaches, motivates, and trains while a recruiter simply signs people up and, in most cases, abandons them once their commission is collected. In Forever living company the people focus on the fact that if you invest your time in others your business will grow more effectively and systems are already their for this.

Is There a Way to Build Your Business Part-Time Without Losing Your Full-Time Income?

The company must have automated systems that can do the heavy lifting, like the selling and sorting, for you so that you can use your limited time efficiently. Being able to build your business part-time while keeping your full-time income is the least risky way to transition to a new source of revenue. Forever Living can be done part time or full time and can be done around what ever schedule you have…. It is up to you how you want to work, but of course, if you work on it full time then it will grow faster.

Will You Have Fun?

It’s important to keep this in mind. You should have fun with your business partners while you work together to build a long-term business. You will have to work at this to make it a success. With the right network marketing opportunity, it is achievable. Forever living are having success days, events and trainings that are great fun, but the best bit are the incentives… Car plan, Chairman’s bonus, Eagle manager retreat and many other incentives are among what makes Forever a great company to work for.

Make your Choice

As you can see, Forever Living has great examples for every question that you should be asking when choosing which company to join. If you would like to join Forever living as a business owner, then send me a message or comment on the post to find out how.